It’s my VOTE
October 4, 2020
Be Empowered
September 15, 2020
Be Empowered. AAUW Talladega County Branch empowers women and girls to achieve their
highest potential. Take an active part in the conversation for empowerment. Your voice will be
heard. Join the College Women Student Advisory Council (SAC).
1) You must be enrolled in a two or four-year college/university in Alabama;
2) Be a resident of Talladega County (you may have a temporary address near or on campus in Alabama) enrolled in a two or four-year college/university in Alabama, and
3) commit to planning and attending the annual 2021 College Women Empowerment Conference in Talladega County or by Zoom.
If interested, contact or call 205 249-7788.
College and University
Recognition of Voting Rights Act of 1965
August 3, 2020
In Recognition of Voting Rights Act of 1965, AAUW Talladega County Branch College Women
Student Advisory Council will conduct a virtual zoom event Thursday, August 6, 2020 at 7:00
pm. If you are interested in participating, contact for access to event.
Apply – College/University Tech Trek Counselors
February 17, 2020
Applications are being accepted for College/University counselors for Tech Trek STEM Camp at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), June 7 – 13, 2020. Counselors arrive on June 6, 2020, for a one-day orientation and training. Applicants must be 20 years old.
There will be 64 rising 8th grade girls from across the state selected to attend this 7th annual camp. Counselors stay on campus at UAH with the participants and must be available 24/7. There is a small stipend for each counselor.
Tech Trek seeks to widen horizons and expand confidence of middle school girls. The program is sponsored by AAUW of Alabama in collaboration with UAH.
ApplyApplication form accepts applicants for June 6-13, 2020. Questions can be sent to
Attend NCCWSL – Early Bird Registration and Scholarship Application Deadline – February 16, 2020
February 3, 2020
The National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL) will be held at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD, from May 27-30, 2020. Learn more
AAUW Talladega County Branch encourages Talladega County College Women to apply for an AAUW national scholarship to attend NCCWSL. Learn more
Deadline is February 16, 2020.
Applying for a scholarship secures a reserved seat at early-bird registration fees until student can acquire the funds to attend. If student receives an AAUW national full or partial scholarship, the local branch will search for additional funds to cover cost of airfare. Registration fees include housing on the University of Maryland campus.
Register for Women Student Empowerment Conference to be held at CACC. Deadline is Monday, January 27, 2020
December 17, 2019
The AAUW Talladega County Branch College/University Women Student Empowerment Conference will be held at Central Alabama Community College (CACC) on Saturday, February 1, 2020, 8:30 am to 12 noon.
“The Keynote Speaker will be Dr. Dionne Rosser-Mims, Dean of the College of Education, Troy University,” stated Nancy Adams, College/University Relations Co-Chair.
The AAUW Student Associates at CACC – Talladega Center will join the AAUW Student Associates from CACC – Childersburg Campus and Talladega College in preparing the final plans for the conference. The conference is open to all women.
Deadline is to register is Monday, January 27, 2020.
AAUW Student Associates at CACC-Talladega Center (left to right) Destyni Artis and Caitlyn Payne. Not available for photo was Ki’Shada Swain.
November 23, 2019
SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, February 1, 2020, Talladega County College/University Women Student Empowerment Conference
The AAUW Talladega County Branch College/University (C/U) Student Advisory Council (SAC) at Central Alabama Community College (CACC) – Childersburg Campus sets Saturday, February 1, 2020 for the Talladega County College/University Women Student Empowerment Conference. “More details will be posted at a later date,” said Davina Averitte, one of the three SAC CACC – Childersburg Campus Women Student Leaders. Davina served on the 2018-19 AAUW of Alabama SAC who developed and implemented the 15th annual ALA-WSL Women Student Leader Conference held in Montgomery, AL. She brings a wealth of experience to this leadership role.
Photo (Left to Right) : Annie Pham, Davina Averitte, and Jeniqua Johnson
October 3, 2019
Talladega County High School Student Alert – Cash for College
AAUW Talladega County Branch focus is on K-12 and higher learning for YOU. We follow organizations, such as Alabama Possible, who are on the leading edge of information regarding federal funding for your college/university future. On October 1, 2019, they announced the 2020-2021 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now open.
Read more here
College/University Membership The Ultimate Guide for Outstanding AAUW Graduates